
Equine Water Treadmill

Equine Water Treadmill
Equine Hydrotherapy

Monday, April 14, 2008

Detailed Overview of Specific Technology


At some point in its life, a horse will experience an injury, whether it being serious or not.  Most times, the healing process of these wounds can be very slow and tedious.  Hydrotherapy can be beneficial in healing, as well as it being in a safe and low impact environment.  Some people have said that “There’s something almost spiritual about the healing properties of water” (HydroHorse, Karen Briggs).  Water has the ability to sooth, draw away inflammation, and any infection from the injury.  It is just a bonus that it is doing it in a very natural way.  However, this piece of equipment has not always been this technologically advanced. For centuries before this was invented, the use of seawater was recognized to help with the treatment and prevention of leg problems in horses.  Many great horses would not be competing if it were not for the benefits of training in the surf on the beach.  The cold seawater helped in particular because it has an anti-inflammatory effect, which improves healing and helps to prevent injury.  People also used to cold-water hose their horse’s legs. Cold water hosing, a common treatment for many leg ailments, cools the skin surface, but the temperature is uncontrolled and might not be cold enough to affect the places most often involved in leg injuries. Conveniently, now, that feeling, temperature, and pulsating movement is simulated all into one piece of equipment.

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